Your words are just as delightful and appealing to the senses as are your recipes. I had to look up Roselle's "potimarron" because I never heard of it, and thought it may be Japanese "kabocha". No, it's "red kuri squash", and they are related; easy to grow, one website said. Will try next year because I love kabocha! First time I ever saw and ate persimmon was in Japan, kaki. They were delicious AND looked gorgeous -- they'd still hang in the trees when all leaves were gone. Stunning, against the blue sky. And in the countryside people would hang them from bamboo racks to let them dry, another lovely sight.

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Thanks, Jessica...

I believe "potimarron" are related to Hokkaido, in that the latter are a sub-category to the Red Kuri - both have an interesting chestnut-like flavor.

You've also got me thinking about Japan - a place on my radar for 2025, which would mark my first visit to this intriguing country...

Thanks for reading and commenting!

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I shared your post on Notes, with one of my photos of the kaki in a tree... Yes, Japan is absolutely -- "intriguing" is a good word. I found the contrast between tradition and ultra-modern technology sometimes jarring; I lived there from 1973 - 1977; I doubt this has changed. This was mainly Kyoto; Tokyo may be very different, but I was never tempted to live there. I spent most summers in Nagano, the countryside around there is beautiful, nothing much had changed over hundreds of years, it seemed.

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I agree, Jessica! Jack has such a beautiful way with words. I'm always swooning... :-)

The first time I ate a persimmon was at Christmas, when I made Jack's salad -- which was a total home run. I'm thinking I'll do the kale and pumpkin this year!

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Welcome back Jack, hopefully restored. I admire the fact that you decided to take that time out - I'm terrible at looking after myself like that, even though this year I really need it.

Lovely poetic writing. Thank you. The first time I ever saw persimmons growing was in Switzerland, on the train from Bern to Geneva - alongside the lake. One of my favourite fruits.

Fabulous recipes. Our squashes are just about there, and my favourites are the little orange potimarron, whose other name is Japanese, though not Hokkaido I don't think. We've also just started picking our kale, so - in a few days - I'll try this.

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Thanks, Roselle…

The pause was not planned, but I’m grateful I took the time to unplug myself, rest a bit, soak up some sun, hang out with friends, and generally recharge. I will do this more often…

I’m thrilled you will give these salads a go - they bring so much depth to the food I eat this time of year…


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Sep 13Liked by Jack McNulty

VW issues like today's instantly make me hungry.. #1 resonated the most, can't wait for the persimmons! That vanilla-citrus vinaigrette intrigued me so much

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Thanks so much, Stygi… Oh yes, persimmons in a salad are amazing…and especially with a little help from vanilla! Enjoy…

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Jack, reading your description of summer to fall's gentle transition felt like falling into a happy dream. So vivid, so alive with detail and sensory delight... I didn't want to wake up! :-) When are you writing a book?? I saw you edited the Overcoming MS Cookbook; it's your turn, friend. IMHO. 😉

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Your lyrical take on the change of season makes it all the more welcome. I'm definitely feeling it though here in the UK with foggy mornings and dewy lawns. But still the harvest provides for us... so thanks for these tantalising meal ideas.

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