Jan 19, 2023Liked by Jack McNulty

I am really enjoying your weekly emails Jack. Fantastic content.

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Agreed. Jack's offerings are top-notch.

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Thanks Susan - I'm thrilled this work resonates with you!

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This guide is exactly what I needed as someone who is constantly intimidated by making flatbread because I compare mine to what my mom makes. That being said, I do enjoy making naan and must try your recipe! Fabulous photos here.

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Thanks Anisha...I also wrestled with the inevitable comparisons between my creations and the memory I have of my mother's food - it's a problem whenever I want to make anything North African...but it's also fun to try and recreate food memories and turn them into reality!

I hope your attempt with naan turns out great...I would love to get your feedback!

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Jack McNulty

These all look so amazing! As a gluten free family (not by choice, by necessity) homemade bread has been an historically tricky endeavor. We've got one really great recipe, for a dense, crusty bread, but nothing more than that. Maybe after I make it Broadway I'll take another stab at gluten-free bready goodness! 😉

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Excellent - now there are two amazing goals to achieve in...hmm...90 days!

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Jan 21, 2023Liked by Jack McNulty

Easy peasy! Consider them done. 😁

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We are in for a rainy weekend, and attempting flatbread or naan is now on my list of rainy day activities. Thanks, Jack! I love naan but can’t get it locally.

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Oh...that's a tremendous rainy weekend project. I hope you have a lot of fun and success!

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Love bread, love naans (last year I managed to make some myself for the first time ever - it was a huge breaking point for me!) 🫶 Since I moved out from my old apartment, I've been really missing my fave falafel place. I'll for sure try to make wraps like yours. Thanks for the inspiration, Jack! ✨

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Excellent... I'm thrilled you feel inspired to give these flatbreads a go!

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I've been threatening to bake my own bread for about 20 years now. Maybe longer. The urge overtook me again recently, when I bought a gorgeous loaf of sourdough from a woman at an illegal speakeasy farmer's market here in Florida. (A story for another day, for sure.) She told me she was planning to teach breadmaking classes soon... I'm still waiting. But in the meantime, maybe I'll gin up the nerve to make naan, which I adore. Thanks for the encouragement, Jack!

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Ok Mary...now I want to hear all about the illegal speakeasy market in Florida... The naan is delicious on its own or to sop up some curry goodness! The All-Purpose Flatbread is also an excellent place to begin - it's simple, delicious, doesn't involve a lot of mess in the kitchen, and it's versatile!

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This makes me want to find time for baking (while acknowledging that’s not likely). Sounds amazing!

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Perhaps a bookmarked location to return to whenever you have the energy and time...

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Jan 19, 2023Liked by Jack McNulty

I want to make them all! On my way to get ingredients.-

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Fabulous... I'm hopeful you will enjoy the flatbread experience... I find it quite meditative 🌝

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Awesome. I’ll try most of them! I’m particularly intrigued by the Mana’eesh.

I agree with the smell of bread triggering childhood’s memories. For me it would be the smell of ‘pain au lait’ my mum used to make. It was delicious.

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Oh that's lovely. My mom made a kind of French Bread about 2-3 times per week...I loved it! We should have a baking session next time we meet...

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