Jul 12Liked by Jack McNulty

This is so good I might just have to upgrade soon.

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Thanks, Ian...

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Jul 12Liked by Jack McNulty

I love this kind of food! The burekas and mushroom kofta in particular. I totally agree that it's possible to recapture what you loved about non-vegan foods with time and practice :)

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Thanks, Joy...

I think of all the childhood food I've veganized over the years, the beureks come very close to the original. The combination of swiss chard, tahini, and walnuts is magical. Please let me know how they turn out for you if you happen to give them a go...

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This all looks delicious. So, you grew up in Morocco or did your mother just like to cook oriental food? I try my best to stay on a vegan diet, but cheese is really difficult for me to say no too. There is just nothing in the vegan world to compare with cheese. But I am working on it…

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My mother was Moroccan, father Irish-American, I was born in Turkey and spent my first five years there, then small-town America. I've been in Switzerland for 25 years...

Cheese is difficult for most people looking to change their dietary habits...

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Great post! Aren't recipes from childhood amazing!? Thanks for sharing these!!! Peppers!!! YUM! I LOVE trying to find recipes and turn them vegan but I think that I mentioned that. I haven't been able to find the exact flavours, etc. that some gave though. Have you? Still many were made with milk from a cow or meat. I don't eat them anymore but isn't it interesting to work on finding that one flavour, etc.? I love it! I recently chose to eat eggs and fish though. I wonder what that makes me? LOLOL I'm glad that you don't smoke anylonger. I too smoked when I was younger... it's really not easy to stop either. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do though. Plus, it makes a person feel so much better! Anyway, great post and thanks again for sharing!

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Thanks for reading and contri, Angela...

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Aug 10Liked by Jack McNulty

Thanks 🙂 and yes, I needed that tip!

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Aug 10Liked by Jack McNulty

Thanks for delicious looking recipes 🙂 Since they sure taste better cooked than just looked at, I’m going to make beureks this weekend. Just one thing - I don’t seem to find the link to tips on how to roast walnuts, where is it?

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Oh dear, thanks for pointing out that error, Al… I’ve fixed the recipe, which now includes the link to how I roast nuts, which you can also check out here: https://veganweekly.substack.com/p/how-to-roast-nuts

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